2 | Elements and Compounds

Elements and Compounds

  • Pure substances include elements and compounds.
  • Elements cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
  • Examples of elements include chlorine, sulfur and copper.


 chlorine gas pure element  chlorine gas pure element  copper pure element

Chlorine, sulfur and copper are elements – they have fixed physical and chemical properties, and cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

(Images: W. Oelen, Wikimedia Commons; Ben Mills, Wikimedia Commons; Jonathan Zander, Wikimedia Commons)


  • Compounds can be broken down (chemically) into simpler substances.
  • Examples of compounds include water, methane and copper sulfate.


Copper sulfate is a compound – it has fixed physical and chemical properties, but can be broken down into simpler substances (the elements copper, sulfur and oxygen).

(Image: Stephanb, Wikimedia Commons)