2 | What is a Living Organism?

What is a Living Organism?

  • Since biology involves the study of living things – also known as organisms – it is important to distinguish between things that are living and things that are non-living.
  • This may seem quite easy to do at first. A cat is clearly a living thing and a glass bottle is clearly a non-living thing. But what about the black mould that appears on bathroom tiles? What about a piece of wood? Or a river? Or a fire? Or a robot with artificial intelligence? Which of these are living things?
  • Since it is not always clear if something is living or non-living, scientists have defined a group of characteristics that something must have to be considered as being alive.
  • The characteristics of living things are as follows:
  • Movement
  • Respiration
  • Sensitivity
  • Coordination and Control / Circulation / Cells
  • Growth
  • Reproduction
  • Excretion
  • Nutrition
  • These characteristics can be remembered using the mnemonic MRSCGREN, where each letter corresponds to the first letter of one of the characteristics.
  • We will discuss each characteristic in the following sections.

mrsgren characteristics of living things

All living things have a defined set of characteristics.