5 | Push, Pull and Twist Forces

Push, Pull and Twist Forces

  • Forces can be classified as either a push, a pull or a twist.
  • A push force causes an object to move away from the source of the force.
  • Example
  • A bench press involves pushing a barbell away from your body.
  • A pull force causes an object to move towards the source of the force.
  • Example
  • Dragging a suitcase behind you involves a pull force
  • A twist force is a combination of a push and a pull. It causes an object to rotate around a fixed point.
  • Example
  • Turning a steering wheel involves a twist force.


 force push bench press  force pull suitcase  force twist steering wheel

Forces can be classified as push, pull or twist forces.

(Images: AntonioDiaz, Adobe Stock; Viacheslav Lakobchuk, Adobe Stock; RawPixel)